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Setting Buyers’ Expectations In a Sellers’ Marketplace

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It’s no secret that the California housing market suffered a lot of hard times after the housing bubble burst in late 2007. For years, we have had too many properties, not enough buyers and values that didn’t even seem real to most mortgage holders.

Now, as we near the second quarter of the year – and approach the spring/summer real estate season, the mood is upbeat. We have the unique situation of it being a strong market for sellers yet buyers are still able to enjoy rock bottom interest rates that are still rivaling the housing market’s all-time lows.

Gain a Strong Competitive Edge Over Other Buyers

We have less inventory than we have ever had before, buyer demand is on the rise and it seems the situation will continue to gain momentum moving forward.

So how do you, as a buyer, cope with this shift in the marketplace now that sellers are in control? With more and more buying competition out there it is critical that you have a competitive edge over others. As is typical in this sort of housing market environment, we tend to see multiple offers that lead to price wars ending up in artificially inflated prices.

Be Careful Not to Overbid

Team Diaz knows and is familiar with the dynamics of these happenings. We take our carefully thought-out strategies and position you as a strong buyer in a sea of others all vying for well-priced homes in good locations that are in great condition. We make sure that in the process and hype of a sellers’ market that you don’t overbid yet at the same time we value and recognize importance of getting you to the closing table.
We invite you to come meet with us to find out why we are continuously helping our buyers to get the homes they want at a price they deserve. Remember, Monica makes it happen!