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The 7 Habits Of A Highly Successful Real Estate Agent

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Being seasoned real estate agents ourselves, we have experienced the innate desire that each agent has to distinguish themselves by enhancing their overall status and reputation.  We also know firsthand how hard the quest for eminence can be when one is trying to break through as a professional agent. With each rung you climb on the ladder of achievement, you find yourself encountering a seemingly endless barrage of obstacles and insurmountable barriers i.e. economic decline, lack of resources, etc. That’s why we’ve decided to impart some of our wisdom that The Monica Diaz Team has gleaned from an extensive repertoire of experience over the course of many years. Here are seven tips catering to aspiring real estate agents for future reference:

  1. Passion - As a Liaison between buyers and sellers, it’s imperative that the realtor is personable, exuding a strong outgoing demeanor to clients at all times. Always be tactful in maintaining a consistent line of dialogue, whether you’re communicating via phone, text, email, etc.
  2. Tech Savviness - In the rapidly evolving world of technology, professionalism is contingent on the utilization of cutting edge, up-to-date tools when interacting with clients. From digital signatures to tablets, using the most current forms of technology will confer advantages to you over other agents who stubbornly refuse to adjust to new trends (the internet), or continue to use antiquated modes of technology that are less efficient.    
  3.  Know Thy Market - Becoming well-versed in the subtle nuances of the local market will not only lend you credibility, but allows you to impress upon potential clients just how keenly-tuned you are to the different niches within the local community. Whether there’s key differences in the schools or some unique facet of local businesses, it behooves you as a “neighborhood agent” to be well acclimated to the surrounding environment of your targeted demographics.  
  4.  Authenticity/Transparency – The top agents know just how appreciative clients will be of realtors who come across as sincere and dedicated. Agents who demonstrate a willingness to keep their clients well-informed and thoroughly enriched with the minute details of the real estate process will see the highest levels of favorability amongst past and current clients.
  5. Digital Marketing; Social Media; Brand Building Machines –  The best agents out there have built a solid reputation through the establishment of a myriad of different social media and digital marketing tools. Whether it’s weekly blogs, monthly newsletters, or videos, having multiple ways to locate, track, and record potential leads will dramatically increase an agent’s accessibility. They will also gain additional leverage by being able to isolate trends in local market activity, and expand their presence within the vast realm of online social networks, thereby enhancing their overall image amongst the communities they work with.
  6. Great Networks – While interaction with clients is important, the ability to network with other professionals whose services overlap or complement those provided by realtors, is just as crucial of a step in becoming a premier agent. The vast array of professionals that real estate agents must work in concert with include:  Lenders, Contractors,  Insurance providers, Escrow agents, and Inspectors. 
  7. Detachment from the Outcome – Remove any personal/emotional dispositions you have from the real estate transaction. Agents must instinctively assume the perspective of the client, as their own bias can adversely affect the outcome of the client’s decision. ALWAYS put the considerations and preferences of the clients first, acting strictly on their behalf

These habits are key components to any successful real estate agent, and if you strive to incorporate them into your professional acumen, you will see firsthand how effective they make you.

If you know anyone thinking about buying or selling real estate in the Los Angeles or Covina area, please let us know and we would be glad to help them out. You can reach us at (626) 414-3597 or email Monica at