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Pricing in the Southern California Real Estate Market

Hello everyone! I’m with my beautiful assistant, Alana! Welcome to our video blog!

Today I wanted to discuss the importance of price in this wonderful Southern California real estate market!

Now, in a previous blog I discussed how being in an equity position is a huge advantage due to the restricted inventory of available homes for sale. But today, I want to emphasize the importance of properly pricing even in a limited supply market.

Did you know that it is still very easy to overprice if you don’t employ the services of a trained expert? I was a certified residential home appraiser for 14 years before I became a licensed real estate professional! My expertise will help ensure that we will price your property properly, ensuring that you will receive the maximum value on that sale!

So far this year every property that I’ve sold has received multiple bids and many have sold above fair market value! I am confident that the Diaz Team will do the same for you!

As always, if you know someone who is interested in buying or selling, connect with me today 626.890.7187 or

And remember, Monica Makes it Happen!!