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Will a Foreclosure or Short Sale Stop You From Purchasing a Home?
Will a Foreclosure or Short Sale Stop You From Purchasing a Home?
We are fully aware of the trend from years past of foreclosures and short sales, but what does it mean for you and your credit? Today, I wanted to talk to you about how you can improve your credit score if those blemishes are present and also what your options may be. To help with this, I have Adrian Enriquez and Lauren Lazalde of American Financial Network here to educate you on how to move forward in the event of foreclosure, short sale and even medical collections you haven’t been made aware of.
“Our goal when getting you prequalified is to point you in the right direction and tell you the exact steps you need to take in order to close escrow and to be put in the position to purchase a home,” Lauren stated. When we look at your credit, our main objective is to improve it so you are able to obtain a better interest rate and be in the best position possible to purchase your next home.
“We to make sure we address all issues before you open escrow so we do not drag you through a ten day process and you find out that you have these collections on your credit report that are randomly popping up,” Adrian added. “With FHA and conventional, there are a couple different ways you can go about it and they are each going to have their own seasoning,” Lauren continued. She also explained that if you were current on your payments with your short sale, you can immediately move towards an FHA purchase.
It is also phenomenal that with a 20% down payment on a conventional loan and a foreclosure from the past year, you are still able to move forward. In regards to an FHA purchase, the underwriters will compare purchasing scenarios in order to prevent people from taking advantage of the market. Do keep in mind that FHA requires three years from your most recent short sale or foreclosure and Adrian outlined that you have to be current with your trade lines, reestablish your credit and have a minimum FICO score of 620 to move forward. We will be there for you beforehand to address any of these issues.
For example, if a first-time buyer was to enter the market with a credit score of 630, there is a limit of investors we can sell the loan to as their credit score needs to be above 640. If the buyer is in the 620-639 range, there is a FICO hit because it is considered “risk-based pricing.” Adrian explained that as direct lenders, they will work to raise your credit score and ultimately achieve the customer a lower interest rate. This may be in the form of paying down debt and addressing any derogatory comments on your credit report by identifying whether they are valid or not.
“Even more specifically, we are going to look at your trade lines where you have a high credit limit and the balance is very close to that high credit limit, those are the triggers that those are the accounts when paid down, they will yield the most points to your credit score,” Lauren added. The lenders are able to run scenarios and obtain the specific number of FICO points that will raise your credit score to be done in preparation to ensure you are able to make offers right away. This process can be completed within 3 business days, the points will show on your credit score.
If you have questions pertaining to your FICO score, I strongly suggest contacting Adrian Enriquez or Lauren Lazalde. Discover how you can proceed in purchasing your next home and live in a way you never deemed possible. And Remember, when looking to buy or sell a home, Monica makes it happen!