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Six Steps to Represent Your Client with Precision and Efficiency!

Six Steps to Represent Your Client with Precision and Efficiency!

Hello it's Monica Diaz!  Welcome to my video blog!

In a recent video, I discussed why it's such an amazing time to be involved in the Real Estate market in So Cal. Today I wanted to try and help 'pay it forward' by offering some advice to new agents as they navigate this highly competitive marketplace.

For the purposes of this video, I offer 6 steps any new agent can utilize to represent their clients with precision and efficiency. (All of my network should view this so they too can be aware and informed regarding effective agent strategy)

First, make sure you send well written email and text messages to your professional peers.  I can't stress the importance of this enough especially when communicating with clients or other agents when submitting or responding to offers.  Well-constructed and articulately written communication will set you apart 100% of the time.

Second, be informed about the properties you are selling or offering on.  Don't be the agent who can't answer questions about unapproved additions to your listing. And if you are making an offer in an inventory crunched market, do your homework before you call the listing agent.  Ask intelligent and informed questions.

Third, submit offers that stand out.  You stand out by sending an authoritative email or letter with an offer above asking in a tactful and cooperative tone requesting you be given notice immediately if your offer isn't "acceptable" at current terms/offer price.  Let the listing agent know your clients want the property and that you are willing to do what it takes to get it.

Fourth, read the Agent Notes in the MLS clearly and carefully.  Whenever possible AVOID CALLING and communicate via text message/email acknowledging you understand the notes clearly but have a specific question or concern not covered or mentioned.  It is OK to call but make sure when you do you are direct in your communication.  Be respectful of other agent's time ALWAYS.

Fifth, make sure your client is airtight from every angle-whether Seller or Buyer.  Vet them for every possible scenario which could arise.  Be prepared and plan for contingencies based on those scenarios.  Be prepared to go above and beyond for your clients at every opportunity.

Finally, it is absolutely imperative to keep your clients informed and to be honest and transparent with them through every step of the transaction.  It is CRUCIAL to be unattached to the outcome while allowing your client to decide what is best for themselves.

As always, if you ever know of a friend, co-worker, relative or even a member of your social communities like Facebook, interested in buying or selling property, connect with me today!